I seriously could not come up with a better title.
It's 10:30pm on Thursday night & I have a headache, an earache, I'm exhausted as heck
AND my phone charger decided to die on me tonight.
So, I'm going to do my friday link-ups now,
then I'm gonna turn on some relaxing sounds & drift off to dream land.

I Confess....
I seriously had the best birthday ever!
I'm pretty sure the odd number b-days are always gonna be my best.
Which is ironic, since I hate odd numbers.
I've been seriously slacking in the schoolwork department.
IDK, I've been having a really hard time focusing lately.
I think I may have to do a week long blog/internet fast.
The dreams have been interesting this week.
I'm currently in love with this article
from His Eternal Companion.
It's a relationship guide/blog for single LDS women.
My hair is in some serious need of a deep conditioning treatment.
Thankfully, my RS president (who is AWESOME, btw) is also a hairstylist.
She gave me some wonderful tips!
I do have great friends.
My best friend really hurt my feelings this week.
We were talking about some guy I use to like
& I was saying how I was pretty sure the guy liked me back
(but it just wasn't gonna work out at the time)
And he totally just put me down & told me that the guy didn't like me.
It sucks, cause he can talk about girls and how they like him all the time
And I have to listen to him, but I can't say that guys like me.
It sucks.
So I haven't talked to him for a while.
And I think this one will please a few people!
I decided to apply to USU (aka Utah State University!)
for the fall semester!
I'm so excited it's crazy!
Go link up with Lauren!
2. A smell I really like is man-yeah, I can't really explain that smell, don't ask me...haha, I like the guy smell, especially good smelling guy smell, the ocean, things baking, new books, & new shoes. Oh and puppy. I love puppy smells! .
6. Nothing makes me happier than the feeling of knowing that I did something right. .
I seriously had the best birthday ever!
I'm pretty sure the odd number b-days are always gonna be my best.
Which is ironic, since I hate odd numbers.
I've been seriously slacking in the schoolwork department.
IDK, I've been having a really hard time focusing lately.
I think I may have to do a week long blog/internet fast.
The dreams have been interesting this week.
I'm currently in love with this article
from His Eternal Companion.
It's a relationship guide/blog for single LDS women.
My hair is in some serious need of a deep conditioning treatment.
Thankfully, my RS president (who is AWESOME, btw) is also a hairstylist.
She gave me some wonderful tips!
I do have great friends.
My best friend really hurt my feelings this week.
We were talking about some guy I use to like
& I was saying how I was pretty sure the guy liked me back
(but it just wasn't gonna work out at the time)
And he totally just put me down & told me that the guy didn't like me.
It sucks, cause he can talk about girls and how they like him all the time
And I have to listen to him, but I can't say that guys like me.
It sucks.
So I haven't talked to him for a while.
And I think this one will please a few people!
I decided to apply to USU (aka Utah State University!)
for the fall semester!
I'm so excited it's crazy!
Go link up with Lauren!
1. If my house was on fire and I could only grab 3 things I would grab my laptop, external hard drive and my journals! .
2. A smell I really like is man-yeah, I can't really explain that smell, don't ask me...haha, I like the guy smell, especially good smelling guy smell, the ocean, things baking, new books, & new shoes. Oh and puppy. I love puppy smells! .
3. Something you might not know about me is that I have been the hugest Jesse McCartney fan since I was like 11. That's 10 years now people!! So basically, someone needs to tell Jesse so that he can come to Hawaii and meet me. Then we can get married and have beautiful green-eyed children. Haha. .
4. Some of my favorite websites to putter about on are Listverse, TopTenz, GraphJam, Failblog, His Eternal Companion, and Real Estate Websites. .
5. This weekend I will be babysitting my cousins! I haven't really seen them since our trip back in December and I miss them. They're my favorite people ever! .
6. Nothing makes me happier than the feeling of knowing that I did something right. .
7. A bad habit I have is using q-tips too often. Those little fluffy devils will be the end of me. I use them too much and my brain insists that the inner part of my ear is itchy (yeah, I know, really bad!) so I constantly have ear aches induced my too much q-tip probing. Gross, I know. But you still love me right? .