For other Elder Dude, let's call him Elder M, I decided to try my hand at sewing a tie! Since I got the sewing machine for Christmas, I decided that a tie would be useful. All missionaries need a good tie! So, I went to work last week, because I want to get it mailed before his birthday (Feb 2). The first day was easy, I just cut out the pattern and did my basting stitches. And then it got stressful. I couldn't figure out how to sew it and my seam ripper became my very best friend! So I put it away for the weekend and I decided to get back to it today.
And it was way better! Going into the project with a clear mind is really what I needed. I did everything exactly right (with the help of google) and I am so pleased with the final result. I was going to write in his birthday card (jokingly, of course): "Dear Elder M, I'm sorry this tie is ugly, it was the first one I've ever made. I guess you're just lucky like that." But now, I don't even have to write that!
Here's the end result:
After a while, I got smart and turned the flash on :)
I adore this material! I wish I had more, then I could make a matching skirt :)

cool tie