A little bit of background on this whole sewing thing, uhhm...I just started sewing on MONDAY! Yep, on Monday. And I've completely finished one project and I just need some backing to finish my other one. Here are some pictures!
This is my finished pillowcase!
I made this baby from a random piece of fabric I found in my room.
I made this baby from a random piece of fabric I found in my room.
It was really simple to make and I finished it in under 1 hour.
This is the start of my blanket/quilt thingy.
I bought these fabric squares from Wal Mart to practice on.
I sewed the squares together in rows of four on Monday night,
then last night, I sewed the rows together.
Now I just need to get backing to make it look more uniform!
my wishlist for wednesday
- i wish that i could afford all the billions of patterns i want to try.
- i wish that i had more fabric to play around with.
oh! and guess what?!
i won a giveaway for the first time ever!
it was on Students Saving Bucks
it was on Students Saving Bucks
& it was for a Mango Languages Bundle!
I'm so excited to have won!!
Now, I just have to decide which language I want to learn.
I think I'm gonna go with Japanese so that when the dude writes,
I can actually understand his broken japanese :)

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