One of my favorite High School memories is Song Contest. Song Contest (well, at least done as intensely as we did it) is unique to Kamehameha Kapalama. None of the other campuses (Maui and Kea'au) does Song Contest the way that Kapalama does it. What is this thing called Song Contest you ask? Well, I'll let this trailer explain:
Yes, you heard right. It's like Glee Club and Sectionals. But way more intense. Because everyone needs to participate. Song Contest participation is actually a graduation requirement. And we put in way more hours than any Glee Club does. Song Contest is usually on the second or third friday in March and practice begins in January as soon as we would go back from Winter Break. So throughout the time, the entire student body can be heard mumbling their songs in Hawaiian under their breath throughout the hallways.
Each class has one song that the men and women sing together called their co-ed. Here is a video of my class (2008 Baby!) singing our co-ed song in our senior year. The song is called He Olu & our Song Contest director is Truman Chun (he's awesome. seriously). You have to click this link to see it, but please do. We did really well, however we didn't win (boo judges).
The men and women also sing their own songs, starting from Sophomore year. For our senior year, the women sang "Aloha Hawai'i Ku'u 'One Hanau" which means "Love for Hawaii, Land of My Birth." It was extremely fitting for a senior song, because a lot of us were leaving Hawaii, leaving our place of birth, this song just reminds me that Hawaii is always going to be my home. Unfortunately, I can't embed this song either, but here is the link for the video. You can also catch a little snippet of the song being sung in the trailer up there. My class is the one wearing pink lei.
I miss Song Contest. It brought our class together in so many ways. I miss high school. So I'm leaving you all with a video of the entire student body singing my High School Alma Mater "Sons of Hawaii"
Did/Does your school have any kind of really cool traditions that you love (or hate)? Leave me a comment and let me know!

i'm linking up here:

Kamehameha song contest always gives me chicken skin!