December 14, 2010

Home Sweet Home

You never realize how much home really means to you until you're gone for a long period of time. OK, so three weeks isn't THAT long, but it's long enough-trust me. 

Before going on the trip, I was so excited to go. The one thing I knew that I would miss were my puppies and I left them with someone that I trusted, so I was sure that they would be okay. I was excited to go to Florida because I'd never been there! I was excited  to get away and go on an adventure. But after three whole weeks, two which included only "haole" (AKA not local Hawaii) food, I was ready to come home.

And home has been wonderful-kind of. I'm not sleeping in a super comfy MGM Grand Hotel bed, but my bed is comfortable enough. It's super extremely hot, but that just gives me an excuse to enjoy a wonderful day at the beach. I have to take cold showers and I don't get to cuddle in super fluffy and comfy blankets. I don't have cable in my bedroom. But it's home, and I love it.

In other news, vacation was absolutely wonderful! I will get a play by play up for y'all as soon as I get my pictures edited, which should be sometime after finals this week. Or well, tomorrow since one of my finals is technically due then. Oh, and also after I finish reading ALL of the posts in my Google Reader feed. I still have over 1,000 to read! Crazy! And y'know, after I write my Christmas list to Santa Clause. In other words, I have at least two weeks worth of blog posts coming up, so stay tuned!


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