Lately, I've been a huge Negative Nancy. I know. I apologize for that. Today, I remembered that it is important to be thankful, even when things seem to be, well, not so good. I am a personal believer in the idea that when people are grateful and acknowledge their blessings, they become more aware of the good in their lives. I need to be more aware of the good in my life, so I am officially making tonight Thankful Thursday. So here goes:
Today, I am Grateful For...
- Letters from Missionaries. If you follow me on Tumblr, or even on Twitter, then you'll know that I absolutely love getting letters. Especially letters from my missionary friends. It's not often that I receive letters from them, which is understandable since they are super busy spreading the word, but when I do, I get super excited. I love hearing about their adventures, it makes me feel as though I'm right next to them the whole time. I currently have about 10 or so friends who are out serving right now. I miss them, but I know that what they're doing is good and amazing and I'm grateful for the time they are taking to serve the Lord. But, I am especially grateful for the time they take out of their busy schedules to write to me.
- The Temple. I got to visit the Open House for the Laie temple a few weeks ago and I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it was. I'm grateful that one day I will be able to go there and to be sealed to my future husband (whomever he may be, lol) for time and all eternity.
- Repentance and the atonement of Christ. I think that in order to truly understand repentance and atonement, you need to understand it personally. It's something that I'm just beginning to understand, and I'm grateful for that.
- Dr. Ho, my doctor since I was about 13. Now let me tell you, I love her. She's the best doctor in the world. Without her, I'd be dying of migraines and strained muscles. True story.
Now, in order to avoid sounding all stuck up and too "mormon" and good girl, here are some kind of silly things that I'm grateful for too. Because hey, the things that we're grateful for should definitely be things that make us smile too!
- Li Hing Mui . Oh, my dear li hing mui, what would I do without you? You make my life just a little sweeter, with a touch of salty too. You're the perfect combination of sugar and salt that I need, especially when I'm badly PMSing. I can eat you regular or I can eat you in powder form on my fruits and candy. I love you li hing mui, life would be so worthless without you.
- Family Guy. I just started watching Family Guy a few weeks ago when I saw that Seasons 1-8 or whatever were on Netflix Instant watch. And OMG, I fell in love. Family Guy is probably one of the funniest shows that I've seen, ever. It's the perfect mix of stupid and funny and pop culture, which I love.
- Fluffy and warm bath towels. Don't you just love the feeling of getting out of a cool shower and wrapping up in a warm and big, fluffy towel? I do. It's an amazing feeling.
- My puppy, LadyLuvs. Seriously, I don't know what I would do without my puppy. She is the cutest. And although she doesn't want to be my cuddle buddy, she always makes me feel better when things in my life are Bleh. She always has kisses for me when I'm crying and I know that she's always excited to see me when I get home. I love her.

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