My 21st birthday fell on a Monday this year, which I didn't mind at all. In fact, I love Mondays! During the day, I put on my princess crown and we went to run a few errands. I got to eat at Aloha Sushi for lunch and I sent off Elder M's birthday package!
i wore that crown last on my 18th birthday when I was a senior in HS (which was almost 3 years ago!!)
That evening, my Future Mother-In-Law (inside joke. she desperately wants me to marry one of her sons) was kind enough to host a small birthday dinner at her house. Well, it was supposed to be small, anyway. What was supposed to be only 10 or so people gathering turned in to 20 people! Crazy!
We had yummy food (fried chicken! homemade mac and cheese! pork and beans!) and it was basically a good time. Oh, I also got wrapped in saran wrap and toilet paper. And then I got a facial....a cake facial...
Fast forward to the weekend. On Friday night, I went to a YSA dance at the Honolulu Institute with my homies! (And we went to Denny's and stayed out until 3am...which was a bad'll see why later...)
Yes, it's upside down on purpose. We R Who We R.
On Saturday morning, Alofa, Abe and I (they are the two at the front of the picture) were supposed to wake up at 7am so that we could go hike Diamond Head and then we were gonna go to Sea Life Park. Well...seeing as we got home at 3:30am, we did not wake up at 7. Actually, I did, they didn't. But I digress...
So, instead of going hiking, we just went to Sea Life Park. It was fun! I hadn't been there since I was in about 7th grade and it seemed so much smaller to me then. Then again, I've been to Sea World, anything compared to that is teeny. But, it was fun! Abe got to have a dolphin adventure (which reminds me, I still have to post about my dolphin adventure in the Cayman Islands...and about my whole trip back in December....haha, I'll get there!), while Alofa & I snapped pictures. We also got to see a Sea Lion and Dolphin show.
1. I love penguins!! 2. Alofa and I with the dolphin. I also LOVE dolphins!
But the day was wearing on and I was supposed to be at my Uncle's house by 5:30 to babysit. But it was already 4:45 and we hadn't left yet, plus Abe was taking sooooo long it was driving me crazy! Mind you, it takes about an hour and a half to get from where we were (Makapu'u) to where I needed to be (Mililani). Insert angry frustrated Tasia.
I was also slightly dehydrated. Thankfully, on the way to Mililani we stopped for Ice Shave (that's the Big Island way of saying "Shave Ice" or "Ice Cones") and I got a HUGE bottle of water. Finally we got to Mililani and we were pulling in by my Uncle's road. There was a CRAP LOAD of cars there, which is pretty unusual for his street. We also almost got into a car accident (it turned out to be one of my friends, but I didn't recognize him). I guess it was kind of a good thing that he almost hit us, because I was distracted and I didn't notice the tent and tables set up outside of my uncle's house until right when we got there.
I was like "What the heck is going on? Is this a surprise?"
Which it apparently was! Haha. Everyone I knew was in on it and everyone worked so HARD not to tell me! It was pretty awesome!! All of my friends and most of my family was there that could be there. It was amazing.
I don't have very many pictures from the party as I was too busy being the birthday girl (my friends have some but I haven't seen 'em yet. sad face), but here are some pictures of me and my cake (i LOVE tinker bell)
The party was so fun! We hung out, we played games, everyone got along and it was fun!
Have you ever been the recipient of a surprise birthday party? What was the best birthday you've ever had?

HAPPY birthday
ReplyDeleteI have always wanted a surprise birthday party but I think I'm too much of a control freak to actually get one.
ReplyDeleteAHHH what an amazing birthday!!! :)
ReplyDeleteMy friends threw me a small surprise party for my birthday last summer, it was GREAT. Usually I'm too perceptive to be surprised....I pick up on things easily and figure things out. But I actually didn't catch on to this one too badly so I was still all excited and caught off-guard! :D
That's great! What good friends and family you have. I'm happy that it was fun and that you got a big SURPRISE. I'm really jealous, haha. =]