Valentine's Day Singles Dance which was WAY fun! Pre-gaming at Denny's was awesome, and so was Post-gaming at Denny's haha. We're poor singles, keh.
Gym in the AM with brother.
Pearlridge with brother (where I got The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown in hardcover for just 5 bucks! Amazing!)
Bowling/Denny's adventure with girls & Abe
This Weekend In Reading:
Well, I finished two Pretty Little Liars Books (Killer and Heartless) does anyone want to buy me Wanted? Haha.
I know...I need to finish The Last Song and The Hunger Games so I can write reviews, but whatev, I'm obsessed with PLL. I friggen need to find out what happens next!
This Weekend on Tumblr:
I'm doing this challenge on my personal tumblr:
This Weekend In Life:
Best Friend came to Oahu! He's here for 2 weeks! I'm so excited, it's crazy. Can't wait to see him!
But, I do think it's a little fishy that he decided to come the day after I told him that an ex boyfriend of mine wanted to pay for me to go see him in Cali, when I've been trying to convince him to come down for FOREVER.
Happy Valentine's Day Y'alls<3

I just awarded you the Stylish Blogger award!! Stop on by to pick it up!!
Dew This
I'm so bummed I haven't had the chance to read and I miss it. Gosh. OMG, i miss pearlridge. My cousins exgirlfriend that I still have on my page (fb) takes choke pictures of her at work and it's like - aww, i wanna go shop there. I think she works at Journey Kids. But man, they have CUTE stuff there. Especially kids shoes. Ugh. But like I can afford to fly to Oahu :( It's hard for even go home to Maui. My sister in law got married and is celebrating her wedding over the Aloha Run weekend :( We couldn't even go. Boo. But then again, we just got a pretty new baby so it's hard to travel yet. I did that challenge on my blog before. Good luck doll.