But I need your help on a few things if you'd be willing to help out. I just want to know, what kind of blogs would you like to see from me? I know I still have to start my vacation blog series, but other than that I am open to writing about pretty much everything. I also kinda want to improve on my writing skills in general so I was thinking of posting short stories on the blog. What do yo guys think of that idea? Would you be willing to read my stories displayed on this blog? Seriously, any ideas will be HAPPILY accepted at this point!
As for my life, well it has just been a rush to the finish line as school comes to an end next week! I cannot wait for summer. I am so OVER school it's crazy. I've decided to take a semester off, but I don't know how to tell my family. How would you go about doing that? I also decided that I'm going to apply for BYU Idaho ^_^.
And I got a job! It's just at my parent's auto mechanic shop working in the office on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays but it's a job! I can't complain, can I? So now I won't have the excuse of not having enough time to get on the internet and blog, because in reality I now have all the time in the world. Since I usually do all the actual work stuff when I get here in the morning.
Okay, this post is getting a little lengthy so I'll wrap it up here. Really, any ideas will be welcome here!
One more thing, for my LDS followers. I started a new blog on tumblr about waiting for LDS missionaries. But I was just wondering are there any LDS folk out there who waited for a missionary either succesfully or not? I was thinking about having guest posters over on that blog about waiting and the outcome. For more information or if you'd like to participate just shoot me an e-mail and let me know!