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Please don't hate me, I love you guys. And I know, I'm supposed to be updating MORE but my blogging muse has been seriously lacking as of late. Plus with school and other life stressors, I haven't been able to blog as much as I'd like. School ends in a few weeks though, so I'm not making any promises but I would like to be back and updating more often.
But I need your help on a few things if you'd be willing to help out. I just want to know, what kind of blogs would you like to see from me? I know I still have to start my vacation blog series, but other than that I am open to writing about pretty much everything. I also kinda want to improve on my writing skills in general so I was thinking of posting short stories on the blog. What do yo guys think of that idea? Would you be willing to read my stories displayed on this blog? Seriously, any ideas will be HAPPILY accepted at this point!
As for my life, well it has just been a rush to the finish line as school comes to an end next week! I cannot wait for summer. I am so OVER school it's crazy. I've decided to take a semester off, but I don't know how to tell my family. How would you go about doing that? I also decided that I'm going to apply for BYU Idaho ^_^.
And I got a job! It's just at my parent's auto mechanic shop working in the office on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays but it's a job! I can't complain, can I? So now I won't have the excuse of not having enough time to get on the internet and blog, because in reality I now have all the time in the world. Since I usually do all the actual work stuff when I get here in the morning.
Okay, this post is getting a little lengthy so I'll wrap it up here. Really, any ideas will be welcome here!
One more thing, for my LDS followers. I started a new blog on tumblr about waiting for LDS missionaries. But I was just wondering are there any LDS folk out there who waited for a missionary either succesfully or not? I was thinking about having guest posters over on that blog about waiting and the outcome. For more information or if you'd like to participate just shoot me an e-mail and let me know!
This past weekend my Uncle & Aunty went to LA, leaving me home with three of their four kids.
It was my Uncle's birthday (he turned 40, don't tell him I told you!) and my Aunty originally wanted to surprise him with tickets to a Laker's game. The Lakers are my uncle's favorite team. My grandma and I found out back in December when we were on our trip in Florida. She arranged everything, including calling his job to arrange his vacation days, booked everything, and even got him a Lakers jersey. But the surprise was ruined when the stadium screwed up and sent the confirmation tickets for the game to my Uncle's phone instead of my Aunty's. Anyway back to the point of the story. Off they went for about four days and I stayed at their house watching their three wonderful girlies.
Okay, to be honest, those girls are my favorite cousins anyway and I would have had fun with them no matter what. I went by myself because I wanted to prove to myself that I could handle four days with them. I wanted to know that I could handle bedtimes and wake ups and sending them off to school (including one field trip). I needed to prove that I could do the after school homework sessions, entertain them, have dinner on the table and mostly that I could handle any problems should they arise. I wanted to prove that when the time comes I'll be a good mother. And I know, it was kinda cheating because the girls are a little older (7, 9, 13) and they can really take care of themselves, but still.
And you know what? I did a flippen' AWESOME job. Seriously. I was really proud of myself. I got the girls up everyday, made sure that they were fed breakfast and that they were out the door on time. I made sure that Aysia had everything she needed for her field trip. I made sure that the house was clean during the day. I made dinner every night and monitored the homework doing. And I even pushed through a mini-crises! I succeeded in proving to myself that I will one day be a great mother. And I had a lot of fun doing it.
I love these girls:
Seriously, I do. They are the best cousins ever. And honestly, I know it'll be a few years before I become a mommy to my own beautiful girls (or handsome boys) but I can go into it with the confidence that I can at least make sure that they will survive. I know it'll be different when I have my own kids, but it's good to know that I can keep 'em alive, right?
I'm bored. And I don't want to go up to the Chapel for Scouts tonight, so I'm even MORE bored. Gaaarrr. So even though it is Thursday, here's a Wee Bit of Me...
Also, I want steak. I've had it for dinner the past two nights in a row and now I'm craving it. Haha. Andrew makes freakin' awesome steaks. I think I'm in love. With the steaks. Not Andrew. That's gross. Moving on with life...
{one} what is one food that, as an adult you love, but as a child you said you’d never touch?SUSHI!!! And Kim Chee. Sushi is the weirdest one because I've always loved raw fish, but I don't know. I'm a weird child.
{two} did you go to college? if yes, what was your major?Currently still going to college. And I hate it because I'm not studying what I really want to be studying.
{three} what’s the most wild animal you’ve seen in real life (not counting the zoo)?I guess an Eagle...haha. Come on, I live in Hawaii. The wildest animal we have here are mongoose or stray chickens.
{four} have you ever been to a fortune teller?Nope.
{five} can you juggle?Only with two.
{six} hardwood floors or carpet?Hardwood.
{seven} is it called “soda” or “pop”?Soda.
{eight} what was your first car?Well, I would like my first car to be a Toyota 4-Runner, but that's not gonna happen.
{nine} what is the most decadent dessert you’ve ever eaten?Peanut Butter Volcano cake from Chilis. OMG. Amazing.
{ten} how often do you rearrange your furniture?Not that often. I'm actually good with the way my furniture is arranged now.
Really, I still want steak. But alas, I suppose that I will have to settle for saimin. Hmph.
Hey guys! How was everyone's weekend? I hope it was wonderful and full of rest and relaxation.
As for me, I spent most of my weekend curled up on the couch, notebook in hand, listening to the inspired messages of the general leaders of my church. Most of you know that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (or mormon). Heck, a lot of you are LDS yourselves :). Anyway, every six months our church holds a general conference where we have two whole days of listening to the leaders of our church. It's really amazing and a really uplifting time. I enjoy it. It always helps me to get back on path.
Anyway, this year, the speakers focused A LOT on marriage. Crazy right?! Especially since I've been marriage hungry, haha. I'm pretty sure that marriage is around the corner for me. Even though I'm not really dating anyone specifically. Well...we'll see. Overall, conference was really amazing. I feel like my spiritual cup is completely full and overflowing. I got all of my questions answered and it was just really good.
However, I'm feeling a little down today. Not spiritually, but temporally. I really need a job. And I have been searching! But nothing! At least in Hawaii. Everyone continues to get laid off and less and less people are being hired. Getting a job is hard, but I really need one! So what can I do? Anyone out there hiring? Haha. I want to search on the mainland as well, but I think it would be hard to leave my grandma at home. Heck, I've found jobs in Utah that I could apply for but I'm too scared because I don't really want to leave my grandma home alone. Huhhh...what can I do?