December 31, 2010

2010 {Candids}

Here's to 2010! My year in photos...
January 2010: Went to O'ahu for Stake Conference. Met Elder Cook of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. Also, Abe was there. We snapped this picture for my Elder Dude.
February 2010. Tsunami day. Yes, I did feel that it was necessary to take a picture of my super cute outfit on Tsunami day. Mmkay.

March 2010. Went on my very first field trip as a "kumu" to Pu'u Moi ranch in Hamakua on the big island and got this shot. Big Island has the most beautiful waterfalls.

April 2010. Glee came back! Enough said!

May 2010. This picture refused to rotate. Anyway went to the beach with this cutie pie.

June 2010. Became Mama to this beautiful baby girl. She was soooo litttlee and sooooo cute!!! Well, she's still little and cute but not this little and cute!

July 2010. Hung out with this beautiful lady. We went to our first bon dance with a bunch of our other friends and even ran into our high school speech teacher. it was AWESOME!

August 2010. Beautiful sunrise over Bellows in Waimanalo, O'ahu.

September 2010. Hung out with this cutie pie! My baby brother, Cyrus. Too bad he's 6 and not a baby anymore!

October 2010. Went to the Justin Bieber concert and threw out all of my previous thoughts of him. He really is a great live performer and the boy can dance. Plus, he's pretty darn adorable too!

November 2010. The La'ie Hawai'i Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was rededicated! I got to go to open house three times and it was amazing.

December 2010. WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY FREAKIN POTTER. enough said. :)


I have this set to post at 10:00pm Hawaii time, but by then everywhere else in the world will have rung in 2011 already, so Happy New Year everyone! (How is it in the future?)

I pray that God will bless you and your family with a wonderful, healthy and prosperous year in 2011!

2010: The Good, The Bad, & The....WTFeven was that?!

For my ultimate recap of 2010 post, I wanted it to be original....kind of. I suck at coming up with ideas of my own. Anyway, I have named this entry The Good, The Bad, The....WTFeven was that? Because "The Ugly" is just too obvious. And can you even describe a year as "ugly"? 

Anyway, as I may or may not have said in previous posts, 2010 was a crazy year. I went through a lot of changes. Looking back, I am definitely not the same person I was on December 31, 2009. Heck, I'm barely even the same person that I was in May 2010!

This year was a roller coaster ride. A very intense roller coaster ride. With terrifying hills, crazy loops, and bone chilling speeds. Like any roller coaster ride, I was excited when I first got on (AKA the beginning of 2010), but now that it's over, I'm excited to get off! It's not a ride that I would choose to ride again, but at least I can tell my friends that I survived it!

The Good
- I turned 20 in January! It was a BIG change, but not really. I guess it's kind of hard to understand. I felt older and more responsible, but still young at the same time.
- I got to give a very special little boy his hawaiian name! i felt honored when my cousin asked me to name her baby. It was the first time I got to do it for family
- I got to meet Elder Quentin L. Cook at a Stake Conference. He even shook my hand. It was my first time meeting or even being in the same room as an Apostle of the Lord. It was pretty amazing.
- I began enjoying work a lot more. I got closer with the kids, got closer with my co-workers. It was wonderful.
- (This was 2009 ish too, but more 2010) I learned what it was like to live independently as an adult. I worked and payed my rent and bought food and other necessities, while also being able to get things that I enjoyed, all while also going to school. And you know what? I did really well.
- I sent a bunch of friends on missions (2009). Ok, technically I didn't, but a lot of them did leave on missions. Mmkay?
- I survived Tsunami '10. Which turned out to be a 3 foot wave. Not even big enough to surf on.
- Working with little kids helped me build up my immune system! I haven't been sick all year! And if I was sick it was because of my allergies and not because of germs! yay me! lol
- I moved back to O'ahu!
- I got my Lady Luvs and Mr. Merli-Boo! It was my welcome home gift.
- I made new friends in my new ward!
- I went to the YSA Conference in Oahu and met some pretty awesome new people.
- I went camping for the first time in years! It was so much fun!
- I got to attend temple open house twice! two of which i ran into isaiah. which is irony.
- taylor swift released her album speak now which was amazing, of course.
- I became an aunt to two beautiful little boys.
- I went to Florida and Las Vegas for the first time. And I fell in love with both places. I got to spend time in Disney World with extended family. And I got to enjoy cowboys in Vegas! It was A W E S O M E.
-I went to Disney World for the first time and I had the absolute time of my life. I even got to go on a Disney Cruise! And we became members of the Disney Vacation Club. This was my year of Disney.
- I went to THE WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY -FREAKIN- POTTER. It was the BEST thing ever. I've never had so much fun! I friggen LOVE Harry Potter and to be able to go there was a dream come true. It was the BEST day of my entire life. (so far)
- I went to the Justin Bieber concert in October!
- I made a lot of new & wonderful friends. I'm super blessed to have them and I can't wait for our friendships to grow next year!
- I got EVERYTHING that I wanted for christmas! Including my sewing machine, Zumba, Just Dance 2 and Dance on Broadway for Wii!
-I realized that I am, in fact, a crafty girl.
-I started this blog back in October and I made a ton of new bloggy friends and I learned a lot from all of you!
-I witnessed a close friend of mine get proposed to and then she asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding!!

The Bad
- I started having problems with my ex-roomie. It was beginning to get very hard living with her.
- My stupid uncle and his stupid family moved out of the house that they were living in with my grandma and didn't even have the courtesy to tell her...until the weekend that they were moving. Friggen idiots.
- And then they moved back in like 10 months later because they couldn't pay the bills at their house because they are friggen idiots.
- Tsunami '10. Although it wasn't big, the circumstances behind it were scary and sad. The tsunami was triggered by an earthquake off the coast of Chile which injured and killed many people. The people in Hawaii were blessed with safety from the tsunami, but earthquakes were really devastating throughout many parts of the world.
- I almost broke my leg twice. Once because I fell off of a moving car (idiot ex boyfriends fault) and the other because clumsiness + rain in hilo= lots of slippage.
- I realized that I do, in fact, have an anxiety disorder. It's not too intense, but it's pretty worrying. 
- My friend's father passed away & of course, out of respect I went to the funeral. It was the first funeral I went to since my grandpa's. 
-I had mood swings like it was no one's business. I thought that the whole moody teenager thing ended when you weren't a teenager anymore. I was wrong.
- I suffered more migraines than ever before in my life this year. It was crazy!
- I had to endure electric shock therapy on my arm. It was gruesome. OK, not really. I am a drama queen.

The...WTFeven was that?!
Life threw me so many curve balls this year, I can't even remember them all.
So yeah...haha.

As usual, the good far outweighs the bad! Yes 2010 was a huge roller coaster ride, but I learned a lot from it (like that fact that I don't like roller coasters =P). 

I feel like I really grew up this year. I feel like turning twenty really meant stepping out of being a child and I began my transition into adulthood. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm a full fledged adult. Heck, I'm no where close to that, but I know that with every decision I've made this year, every obstacle I've faced, I got one step closer to becoming truly an adult.

I think 2011 is going to be a really important year for me. For starters, I'm turning 21!!! But that's even closer into the adult world. I'm going to learn so much more and I'm going to encounter many things and I'm going to be a different person on December 31, 2011 than I am today. And I want to thank you all, my blog readers, for joining me in the process (sappy, sappy, sappy!!).

Stay tuned, later on tonight i'll be posting one more recap (yeah, i enjoy recapping my years, it's a great way to remember to do better next year). It'll be all pictures and hardly any words! 

Fill in the Blank Friday {Last of 2010}

Head on over to Lauren's blog to answer today's New Years themed questions & link up!

1.   New Year's is (awesome/lame/other)       the BEST HOLIDAY EVER!!!!! New Year's has always been really big for me. In Hawai'i, we celebrate super intensely. So many different cultures have different ideas about what New Years is, but since there is a strong Chinese culture (the Chinese have huge superstitions about New Years), it's become part of local culture in general to celebrate New Year in a big way. Everyone pops fireworks, families have huge get togethers, everyone pretty much stays close to home. It's a pretty big deal. And I love it!   .

2.  Last New Year's Eve I   went to a New Year's Eve party at my then-boyfriend's aunty's house. Then I watched him pop fireworks. It was pretty boring. Which is unusual for me.  .

3.  My New Year's resolution is       I don't really have actual resolutions. I just want to live a better life. Be a happier me. This year wasn't my happiest and I know I can do much better. The plan is to do more things that will make me happy and will boost my confidence. Getting healthier and putting more effort into my clothes and make up so that I like the way I look. Reading my scriptures and becoming more in tune with Heavenly Father and just living for me. I think this year is going to be really crucial to my life. I think I'm going to grow up a lot this year   .

4.  The best way to spend New Year's Eve is   with family, just having fun! We usually pop a few fireworks, with the biggest ones going off at midnight.    .

5.  My prediction for an up-and-coming trend in 2011 is       jeggings are still going to be pretty in, but I think fashion for girls will get a lot more girly. More emphasis on dresses and skirts. As usual, accessories will always be key to the whole fashion thing. I think accessories will also head more toward the girly side, lots of flowers and bows and pretty things. OK, maybe that's just for me.  .

6.  This New Year's Eve I will        probably be at home, maybe watching a few movies. I'm hoping that my grandma will make corned beef and cabbage for dinner! Then of course, the annual neighborhood block fireworks extravaganza!     .

7.  A fresh start is       the best. I mean, every day is technically a fresh start, but the new year really just symbolizes new beginnings. For me, I always feel that the new year means that there will be new experiences and my experiences from the past year were meant for that moment in my life. New Years is really more symbolic      .

December 30, 2010

such a wonderful, happy day!

Hi guys! I'm in such a lovely mood today! Aren't good moods just the cherry on top of the best ice cream sundae you've ever had? I say yes.

Why am I in such a good mood, you ask? The sun is out and shining. I got to go shopping for the last of my Christmas presents (late I know, but whatevs). Tomorrow is New Years Eve and it's soon going to be New Years Day AKA my favorite holiday EVER. 

Oh, and I got a letter from the Elder Dude this morning :). Letters from the dude always put me in a 50000 billion times better mood. He's super awesome like that. 

I never really talked about the dude on the blog here for personal reasons. But he's a good friend of mine and he's currently serving his mission in Japan. He's been out for a year already (it went by SO fast!) and he's a magnificent missionary! And...I miss him super a lot.

Aside from the fact that we're just close friends, I am also highly convinced that we're also soul mates and that I'm going to marry him (of course, any worthy man would make a lovely husband...blah blah blah). Which is why I don't mention him on the blog very often. A lot of people don't have the same awesome intuition that I do and they believe that I am absolutely nutso for believing that we will be married one day. In my opinion, they're the ones that know nothing and they're non-believing, anti-love people who have never been in a relationship before so who are they to tell me that he won't be my hubs one day. Besides, even if we don't end up married one day, I'm still lucky enough to call him my friend.

Anywaaaay...I sent him a package for his birthday in November before I left for Florida. And every single day since I got back, I've been waiting for a thank you letter. Haha. He's a good boy, he's not the type to not say thank you. And finally a letter came today! He also sent my some pictures and super adorable japanese stickers which I love! 
That does happen to be the dude in the picture, but it's not a clear one, so I'm comfortable putting THAT on the blog.

Also, I just woke up when the letter was received and when I took that picture. Excuse my face. LOL.

He's a pretty awesome dude and I definitely can't wait to share more about him in the future. You know, when we get married :P.

Later Days!

P.S. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day of posting! I'll be doing an official 2010 recap and 2010 in pictures! I'm soooo excited. I already know that 2011 is going to be an AMAZING year!

My Year In Twitter Updates {October-December 201}

Last installment of my year in twitter updates!

October 2010

  • I watched General Conference from the comfort of my couch on tv.
  • Went to the Justin Bieber concert. And promptly became obsessed with him. So obsessed that I even changed my twitter name to taybiebz for a little while. What? He was cute and I have an addictive personality!
  • Started subbing. Which was awesome. More money!
  • Went to the Haunted Lagoon at Polynesian Cultural Center. And got soaking wet. Which I did not know would happen.
  • Had a super awesome Halloween party at my auntyʻs house. Seriously, it was the best thing ever and I worked my butt off for that.
  • Got Speak Now Deluxe Edition!!!!!!
  • Went to temple open house. Ran into I. It was ironic.
  • Found out that there are huge muli windmills in the middle of nowhere in Kahuku. I hadnʻt known that previously.
  • My uncle and aunty and cousins moved back in with us. I was pissed.
October 2010 Top Tweet.

November 2010
  • Found out that I may have carpal tunnel.
  • Got my flu shot on the same day. I was not happy.
  • I decided that I loved the rain again. Haha
  • I was irritated and PMSing a lot in the early part of November.
  • Then I went to the temple again. And I was there again. Ironically.
  • Saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. And I cried in the beginning.
  • Left for Florida and went on the Disney cruise. It was flippen awesome!
November 2010 Top Tweet

December 2010
  • Went to Disney World, and had many, many dreams come true.
  • Went to the WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY FREAKING POTTER. And had the best day of my entire life.
  • Went to Las Vegas and fell in love with the city.
  • Came home and went into depression.
  • And then I got happy again cause I have awesome bloggy friends.
  • Decided that Logan Henderson is hot. Heʻs in Big Time Rush, that show on Nick in case you didnʻt know.
December 2010 Top Tweet. Also, this is truth.

Well, I guess thatʻs basically my year in tweets. Thanks for enduring through them! And sorry they got so crappy toward the end. Itʻs almost 12pm here and I am TIRED. Good night!

My Year In Twitter Updates {July-September 2010}

Continuing on through the year!

July 2010
  • I decided that Naya Rivera was super awesome.
  • I completely fan girled when I saw the Deathly Hallows part 1 trailer for the first time.
  • I also decided that I was a better mother than women who are actually mothers. Yeah, I know. What do I know right?
  • I decided that the only way to describe the intensities of my migraines was to say that they were the size of Jupiter.
  • I watched way too many episodes of Boy Meets World for it to be healthy. Never mind, BMW is always healthy.
  • Found out all the details of Taylor Swiftʻs album!
  • I realized that I am, in fact, psychic. Actually, I do have really good intuition.
  • I finally saw Toy Story 3 and I cried for ever!
  • Met I at YSA conference. It was amazing.
July 2010 Top Tweet. This is just true. I have nothing more to say.

August 2010
  • I went camping at Bellows with the Waipahu YSA Branch. Thatʻs the brunch I is in and at the time I was way crushing on him. So yes, it was very exciting.
  • Had an awesome sleepover at Emilyʻs house.
  • I decided that if Doctor Chun was ever to run for governor, Iʻd so vote for him. Of course, Iʻm pretty sure he doesnʻt have to worry since heʻs pretty much set being the headmaster of Kamehameha Kapalama
  • I watched TLC a lot.
  • I discovered that I speak and understand french and spanish. but only in my dreams.
August 2010 Top Tweet. Seriously, I couldnʻt go anywhere without people assuming that I was only 15. Iʻll be grateful for the gift of youthful looks when I get older.

September 2010
  • I started going to Institute in my stake, which was awesome. I really do love institute.
  • Nick Jonas turned 18. Another dream come true.
  • Went to watch volleyball with my grandma and abe. It was UH Manoa vs. BYU Provo. It was pretty darn awesome.
  • I started RPing again on (Which btw, you should join, if you want. Carmel needs more Honey Kix)
Enough said. September 2010 Top Tweet

My Year In Twitter Updates {April-June 2010}

Ok, continuing on through my year in tweets!

April 2010
  • General Conference of the Church and Easter fell in the same weekend. It was, as usual, a very spiritually uplifting time.
  • I began listening to Justin Bieberʻs music. I still didnʻt like it.
  • And then I decided that he was alright.
  • More drama with ex-roomie ensued. 
  • Glee came back!!
  • I fell off of a moving car because my ex boyfriend is an idiot. Yep
April 2010 Top Tweet. Of course, at the time I didnʻt know that starting a blog would gain you quite a twitter following as well :) This is truth though.

May 2010
  • I became hooked on the Family Feud game on facebook.
  • I procrastinated on homework a lot.
  • I fell in love with Miley Cyrus because the Canʻt Be Tamed music video was awesome. Even though it was definitely inappropriate.
  • I decided that I wanted an e-reader.
  • I cut my hair! This was a month of major change. You can tell because I cut my hair. I usually only cut my hair drastically during times of major change. Like break-ups...
  • My ex and I made a year of dating. And then we broke up like a week after. Like I said, drastic change...
  • I finished up work with my students as well. They were a huge part of my life for 10 months. I really felt like they were my own. Again, drastic change.
  • I packed a lot and got ready to go back home to Oahu.
Apparently I was really upset, lol. Top Tweet of May 2010.

June 2010
  • I moved back to Oahu.
  • But before I left, we did have a huge blow out bash at my friendʻs house. Technically it was for Memorial Day, but it was still in honor of me. LOL
  • My sister turned 17. It was weird.
  • There was a shooting in my hometown. Not unusual, but extremely saddening.
  • I officially decided that I did not want to be a pageant mom. 
  • I became obsessed with Pretty Little Liars.
  • I decided that the Star Trek casting directors are the best casting directors ever. I mean, come on! Zach Quinto and Chris Pine, plus a little bit of Chris Hemsworth in the same movie? Yeah. Best ever.
  • I got my doggies! Merlin and Lady Luvzys
True story people, true story. Go and google him even. Top Tweet June 2010

My Year In Twitter Updates {January-March 2010}

2010 was quite an interesting year for me. It was definitely full of ups and downs, literally it was the most interesting roller coaster ride that I've ever been on. And I'm not really one for roller coasters (we'll go into depth more in another post). The one thing that is interesting about Social Networking is that it can help me track my life more accurately then a journal can (because I tend to forget before I can write things down. Not really, but sometimes writing down my random thoughts in a journal is pointless).
On Twitter, I pretty much have moment by moment updates of my thoughts. It's wonderful! So anyway, here are my twitter thoughts for 2010.

January 2010

  • Well, I was apparently super optimistic about the new year!
  • Nick Jonas came out with his solo CD with his solo band Nick Jonas and the Administration. And I fell in love with him. LOL.
  • I started riding my bike to work! Which was super awesome. I loved riding and I got pretty fit.
  • OK, apparently my Nick Jonas obsession was WAY intense!
  • My issues with the ex-roomie/bestie started. Kinda sad, but oh well. That's what happens when people decide to put their boyfriends before their best friends.
  • I also started thinking about moving back home around this time.
  • I started watching The Office (yeah, I'm not sure what took me so long)...
  • My nephew was born. And I was honored to be able to give him his hawaiian name which is Kamanaokealaka'ipōmaikaʻiokalaninui. It means the power of the blessed leader of the highest heavens
  • I got to spend the weekend before my birthday at Oahu with my mom them. That was fun. My mom got my chantilly cake! Yum!
  • I also got to meet Elder Cook, one of the Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And I got to shake his hand. An Apostle of the Lord! So awesome!
  • I got into that whole "RT if..." thing. Yeah. Lame sauce.
  • I celebrated my 20th birthday by going shopping, watching the Lovely Bones and more chantilly cake with my roomie and then boyfriend. (wow, i dumped a LOT of people in 2010)
  • JD Salinger passed away :(
Best tweet of January 2010. And yes, I do, in fact, still want that American girl doll.

February 2010
  • One of my dudes left on his mission. It was a very emotional time for me. Very emotional.
  • I officially decided that I was going to move back to Oʻahu. It was the best thing for my family
  • Mufi Hannamen (former mayor of Honolulu) tweeted that he was in talks with Scott Swift (father of Taylor Swift) to bring Tay to Hawaii. That never happened, therefore he is a liar. Therefore I didnʻt vote for him in the governorʻs race.
  • Taylor Lautner turned 18 and became legal. Therefore I (and a whole lot of other women in this world) were no longer pedophiles =P
  • I helped support the Every Girls Is Beautiful cause. Cause itʻs true. Every girl IS beautiful.
  • I saw Valentineʻs Day for Valentineʻs Day! It was awesome! My two Taylors in one movie. Best thing ever.
  • I discovered the Old Spice commercials for the first time. And immediately became obsessed with it, of course.
  • I discovered the beauty that is JR Celski. Oh yeah, thatʻs why Iʻm moving to SLC. So I can meet his beautiful face and convince him to marry me!
  • I got Skechers Shape Ups!
  • JR Celski, Taylor Lautner and Kiowa Gordon starred in a dream that I had. It was quite a wonderful dream...
  • There was an earthquake in Chile which also led to there being a tsunami warning in Hawaii. It was super scary, but turned out to be no big deal. We were really blessed with safety.
Top tweet of February 2010. I was anti-Valentines day, so I celebrated Chinese New Year instead!

March 2010
  • I realized that photoshop really isnʻt THAT hard.
  • I tweeted in Hawaiian a lot.
  • And I talked about work/my students a lot. I even got to go on a super awesome field trip with them!
  • I hated the rain. Which is ironic because I love it now. I guess thatʻs how it always is. When you have an excess of something, you donʻt want it, but when youʻre forced to live without it, you canʻt seem to do without it.
  • I met my then boyfriendʻs sister, who came home from her mission in March.
  • Jemi was confirmed.
  • I went home to Oahu for Spring Break which was super awesome!!
  • While being home I met my other momma (Aunty Karen), Emily and Alexa. And now Iʻm going to be in Alexaʻs wedding. Wooo!
  • It was KS Song Contest season. Song Contest is a huge deal here. Well, kinda. If you went to Kamehameha, which I did. So yeah.
  • I made a few huge life decisions. Like the fact that I want to homeschool my kids one day. And that Iʻm moving to Texas.
  • I lectured the people of the interwebs to leave "Nelena" (aka Nick Jonas and Selena Gomez) alone during their break up. It was lovely.
  • I found out that Ricky Martin is gay. Which wasnʻt really headlining news, to be honest.
  • Everyone was infected with Bieber Fever. I hated him.
March 2010 Top Tweet. Donʻt we all, past me. Donʻt we all...

This shall be continued in a new post. Which will be posted in an hour anyway. I just didnʻt want these to get too long :)

December 29, 2010

Hau'oli Hump Day!

Happy, Happy Wednesday everyone! I can't believe that in just two days, it's going to be 2011! I have a feeling that 2011 is going to be one of my best years ever. And usually my feelings are pretty accurate.

The last few days have been spent cleaning my room and moving things around in preparation for the New Year! In the next few days I'll also have some excellent blog posts recapping 2010 as well. But as for right now, how about I just recap my Christmas? mmkay, here goes!

The miss lady luvs on christmas eve! She's so photogenic, it kills me!

The Christmas trees that I set up in my room. The first is with the light on, and yeah I know my room was a crazy mess! And the second is with the lights off and the fiber optics on. I love my mini Christmas tree. I've had it since I was in high school and it was always present in my dorm room around Christmas time, my friends and I even put Christmas presents under it pre-Christmas vacation!

My two pups on Christmas morning. Merlin and Lady Luvs

Yeah, I tried to at least take a decent Christmas picture, plus I loved my outfit that day :)

Christmas presents! Jewel=Awesome. Elvis=the KING, enough said. George Strait=my dream guy, really!

I got Dance on Broadway for Wii! It's pretty intense, haha. I love it though. I'm also going to get Just Dance 2 and Zumba for Wii. I'll review them too, later, maybe even with a video of me making a fool of myself dancing to Bend and Snap!

And for my number one present
My sewing machine! I've been dying for one for a while and I assumed that I was just going to get the own my family owns (which I was totally content with), instead my grandma surprised me with a brand spanking new one! And it's a Limited Edition Project Runway one and it comes with 50 built in stitches and it has an LCD screen. Yeah, I'm pretty much in love with it.
Here's my baby in all her glory! I also got a few yards of fabric, two easy patterns, an easy sew apron and pillowcase kit, a sewing essentials kit and some quilting scraps so I can start of easily with a blanket. Yeah, I've never really sewn at all before, so this is going to be INTERESTING. But I'm really optimistic about it, soo...

I got another present that I didn't really expect, it was truly a nice surprise. Remember how I told y'all that I got to witness my two friends getting engaged? Well...
She asked me to be one of her bridesmaids!! I'm so excited it's crazy! This is the first time that I'm going to be a bridesmaid for someone other than family, so it makes me even more excited for all the upcoming Weddings!!
I'm most excited about helping her figure out all the little details and stuff. I already have way too many ideas for my own good :)

At least I now have a justified reason to look at wedding sites and blogs :)

December 28, 2010

It's Tuesday ALREADY?

I swear, the week after Christmas and before New Years goes by so quickly that if it were a competitor in the olympics (for America of course) we'd have 500 zillion gold medals. Yep, I just came up with that. I know, I'm brilliant =P. 

OK, moving on. Let's have some linky party fun, shall we?

1. What was the number one item on your Christmas wishlist?
The number one item on my Christmas wishlist this year was a Sewing Machine. Originally,I thought I was just going to get the hand-me down one that has been in my family for a while, which I was totally happy about. But my grandma surprised me with one of my own, and this baby is beautiful!
2. Did you get the number one item on your Christmas wishlist?
I did! Like I said, my grandma surprised me with a brand spankin' new one.
It's a Project Runway Limited edition. And it was on sale at wal-mart! I'll tel y'all more about this beauty later :)

3. How long has it been since you’ve had a pedicure?
way too long! I can't even remember when the last time was.
4. How cold is it in your city today?
It's been kinda rainy and we're expecting more storms, but it's actually only 75 degrees. Yeah, I lov Hawaii
5. How many pillows do you sleep with?
6. Can you roll your tongue?
7. Do you always buy the same mascara or do you try new ones each tube?
It depends. Mostly I use the same one, but if I run out randomly and they don't have the kind I usually use, I'll buy a new one. My favorite is Maybelline lash blast.
8. What’s your favorite cookbook?
google. Or other peoples blogs! yeah, i've been getting a lot of recipes from the blogs I follow.
9. What was your first pet?
I had rabbits named salt and pepper, but they weren't really MINE. The first pet that was actually mine was my dog Hoku. She was Chihuahua, and I got her for christmas when I was seven. I had her until I was 18 and then she died :( But she did live a very long life, so yeh.
10. Do you wear jewelry on a daily basis?
Nope. My skin is super sensitive so I can't wear earrings to often and I have to be careful with necklaces as well. Even wearing watches causes my skin to rash. I know, I'm a weird kid :)

OK, now I have to get to cleaning and reorganizing my room so that everything can be in place before Friday. Have a fantabulous day!