Happy Friday, friends! While friday isn't really my favorite day of the week, I always look forward to it because of the possibilities it holds. Not only do I get a break from work and school (well...not this weekend) for a few days, but it now means fun linky parties. Sooo, here are some for today!
My fun for this weekend comes in the form of three beautiful girls and one handsome little boy. I'm going to be spending the weekend at my Aunty and Uncle's house helping them pack and watch the kiddies for a bit. I plan on helping them get their stuff packed, while finishing packing my own bag. Also, we're going to bake! Hopefully...
Tonight, I'm going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! I am so stoked it's crazy. I've been a Harry Potter fan for as long as I can remember so this moment is actually very surreal for me.
Deathly Hallows in honor of Deathly Hallows!
Also on the agenda for this weekend is homework (still in overtime with that).
AND...The La'ie Hawaii temple Rededication!
please don't steal this picture. i know, it's gaawwgouuss. but it's mine.
Even though I don't get to go, it's still an amazing celebration. Plus, that means that the prophet is here in Hawaii! How cool is that?!
Now time for the linky partiess! First up is Five Question Friday hosted by Mama M over at Five Crooked Halos!
1. What Christmas song do you loathe?
I don't think I loathe any Christmas songs. Like, I genuinely like pretty much anything. Oh wait, never mind. I don't really like Grandma Got Run Over by A Reindeer. Not sure why, it just freaks me out. Must be some suppressed childhood thing.
2. Do you and your significant other cuddle at night or sleep on opposite sides of the bed?
One day, when I'm married and actually have a S.O. I'm sure that I will love cuddling at night. I'm really big on cuddling.
3. Have you ever had surgery?
Nope. I guess I've just been blessed like that.
4. When do you typically have your holiday shopping done?
Whenever there are awesome sales! This year, we had all our shopping done by September.
5. If money were not an issue (and you HAD to pick something), what would your ultimate luxury item be?
My own house, for sure. That would be the ultimate luxury.
1. My Thanksgiving plans this year will include Landing in Florida for vacation! Possibly dinner at Denny's with my family. Well, technically my Aunty's family, but I consider them my own family now too. Hey, this will be my second year spending Thanksgiving with them! .
2. My favorite Thanksgiving was all of the the thanksgivings of my youth. We used to go to my Tutu's house with pretty much my entire family and have a huge feast. We stopped that after my Tutu passed away. So sad :( .
3. My signature Thanksgiving dish is I'm gonna go with Cream Cheese Pumpkin crunch. I've never made it, but in my mind they're delicious. .
4. My favorite Thanksgiving food is Stuffing and mashed potatoes. I adore stuffing and mashed potatoes! .
5. Thanksgiving free association! family, fun, love, fooooodd!!! .
6. Thansgiving is the best time of year. It's my favorite holiday. It's a reminder of all the good things that we have in our lives. .
7. I am thankful for my wonderful family, the church and awesome church leaders, growth throughout the year, change, being able to do things that are fun .
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! If I'm not around for the next few days, just remember that's a good thing, cuz I gotta get my homework on!